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  • Taplio: Skyrocket Your LinkedIn Engagement with AI-Powered Content 🚀

Taplio: Skyrocket Your LinkedIn Engagement with AI-Powered Content 🚀

Nanobits Product Spotlight


Alright, Nanobiters, gather 'round for another product spotlight edition.

You know how some people seem to effortlessly churn out brilliant LinkedIn posts day after day? Like they've got a team of ghostwriters or made a deal with the social media devil?

While most of it is true, I want to talk about the rest of the truth today!

Picture this: It's Monday morning, and you're staring at your LinkedIn feed with the enthusiasm of a sloth on a treadmill. Your brain is yelling, "Post something insightful! Network! Be a thought leader!" But all you can think about is your overflowing inbox and that third cup of coffee.

That was one of my clients. Every. Single. Week. Until both of us stumbled upon Taplio – the AI-powered tool that's basically a content creation genie for LinkedIn.

Seriously, this thing is like having a witty, professional writer living inside your laptop. He went from "LinkedIn who?" to "Look at me, sharing industry insights like a pro!" in a matter of days.

In today's newsletter, we're diving deep into Taplio, showing you how it works, why you need it, and how it can transform your LinkedIn game from "meh" to "magnificent."

So, put on your learning caps, grab a snack (because AI can't feed you... yet), and get ready to unlock the secrets of LinkedIn success with Taplio. Trust me, your network (and your future self) will thank you.

Image Credits: Taplio


Imagine having a personal AI assistant dedicated to crafting top-notch LinkedIn posts that sound just like you.

That's Taplio in a nutshell.

This AI-powered tool takes the grunt work out of content creation, generating ideas, drafting engaging posts, and even designing eye-catching carousels.

But it doesn't stop there – Taplio also helps you schedule your content, identify the right audience, build your network, and even analyze your LinkedIn stats to fine-tune your strategy.

Think of it as your all-in-one LinkedIn wingman, saving you time and effort while boosting your content quality.

Oh, and did I mention their handy Chrome extension, Taplio X?

It helps find the most influential profiles and top-performing content on LinkedIn.

But how does it work?


  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): This helps Taplio understand the nuances of your writing style and the content you share.

  • Machine Learning (ML): Taplio analyzes successful LinkedIn posts to uncover hidden patterns and trends.

  • Generative AI: This cutting-edge technology enables Taplio to create original, engaging content that aligns with your brand voice.


Taplio is the ideal tool for anyone looking to start their LinkedIn game, especially:

  • Busy Professionals: Whether you're a solopreneur juggling multiple hats or a seasoned executive with a packed schedule, Taplio takes the time-consuming task of content creation off your plate.

  • Marketers & Business Owners: If you're seeking to leverage LinkedIn for lead generation and brand building, Taplio's AI-powered content and engagement features are your secret weapon.

  • Content Creators: Suffering from writer's block? Taplio's AI generates endless post ideas and drafts, so you never run out of engaging content.

  • LinkedIn Beginners: Taplio's intuitive interface and guided workflows make it easy for anyone to create a strong LinkedIn presence, even if you're new to the platform.

  • Coaches, Consultants & Service Providers: Establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry? Taplio helps you curate content and engage with your community to build credibility and attract clients.


Intuitive Dashboard: 

Get a clear overview of your LinkedIn performance, content ideas, and scheduling queue – all in one place.

Taplio has a sleek, minimalist dashboard designed for clarity and efficiency. The main area showcases a curated feed of trending LinkedIn posts relevant to your industry, sparking instant inspiration.

The dashboard's intuitive layout prioritizes your content queue, making it easy to monitor scheduled posts and track their performance. With analytics and content suggestions readily accessible, you're equipped to refine your strategy and enhance engagement.

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

The left-hand navigation menu is your control center, providing quick access to Taplio's core features: content creation tools, analytics dashboards, viral content discovery, and audience engagement options. With its intuitive organization, finding the right tool for the job is a breeze.

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

Located conveniently on the right side of the dashboard, you'll find a streamlined post creation tool. This feature allows you to draft and enrich your LinkedIn content directly within the dashboard, eliminating the need to jump between screens. Seamlessly add visuals like images and videos, embed relevant links, and even schedule your post for optimal visibility – all without leaving the main workspace.

Smart Scheduling Queue: 

For those of us who struggle with staying organized, Taplio's queue feature is a lifesaver. It transforms the chaotic scramble of daily posting into a streamlined process of planning and scheduling content in advance.

Adding content to your queue is incredibly straightforward. Whether it's an AI-generated draft or a spontaneous idea you jotted down, you can easily slot it into your calendar with a few clicks, ensuring your LinkedIn feed remains active even when inspiration is scarce.

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

The scheduling flexibility offered by Taplio is a game-changer. You're not locked into rigid posting times; instead, you can tailor your schedule to match your audience's peak activity hours, significantly boosting your content's visibility and engagement.

Initially, the idea of pre-scheduling posts felt a bit robotic to me. I was concerned that an overly predictable posting pattern would be a dead giveaway that I wasn't personally managing my LinkedIn. Thankfully, Taplio's customizable settings allow for enough variation to maintain an authentic feel.

For someone like me, who often struggles with organization and time management, Taplio's queue feature has been transformative. It has empowered me to plan strategically, ensuring consistent, well-timed content delivery even amidst a hectic schedule.

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

AI-Powered Content Generation:

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

Generated For You: 

Taplio's "Generated For You" feature is a content creation powerhouse. By providing details about yourself and your industry upon login, Taplio's AI curates a list of relevant, long-form post ideas designed to resonate with your target audience.

Image Credits: greatsoftware

You can easily export these ideas for future reference, ensuring a steady stream of content inspiration. Each suggestion can be edited directly in Taplio's built-in editor or added to your posting queue for seamless scheduling.

For professionals like me, maintaining an active and engaging LinkedIn presence is crucial for attracting new clients. Taplio's personalized content ideas have been instrumental in simplifying my content strategy and boosting my visibility on the platform.

Post Generator: 

Taplio's Post Generator is a remarkable example of AI's potential in content creation. With minimal input, it crafts well-structured, engaging posts that sound surprisingly human. I was particularly impressed with how it effortlessly expanded upon my initial idea, incorporating a compelling hook that I would have gladly used myself.

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

The ability to refine the generated draft is another major plus. While the initial output often hits the mark in terms of cadence and formatting, the option to tailor the language to your specific brand voice ensures that the final post truly reflects your unique style.

For content creators and marketers constantly battling deadlines and creative blocks, tools like Taplio's Post Generator are invaluable. They free up time and mental energy, allowing us to focus on fine-tuning and personalizing content to deeply connect with our audience.

Hook Generator: 

Taplio's AI-powered Hook Generator is a lifesaver for those moments when crafting the perfect opening line feels impossible. Simply provide a topic or idea, and Taplio will brainstorm several attention-grabbing options.

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

While some minor tweaks may be needed to align with your specific voice, the time saved from having a solid starting point is invaluable.

LinkedIn Carousel Generator: 

Standing out on LinkedIn amidst the daily deluge of content can be a challenge, but Taplio's LinkedIn Carousel Generator offers a refreshing solution. This AI-powered tool simplifies the creation of eye-catching carousels, even for those without design skills.

You can either let the AI generate compelling copy and visuals or repurpose existing content like tweets, Reddit posts, or images. The customizable editor allows you to personalize your carousels with different colors, fonts, and layouts, ensuring your brand's unique voice shines through.

By taking the hassle out of carousel design, Taplio enables us to focus on what truly matters on LinkedIn: building meaningful connections and fostering a thriving community.

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

In-Depth Analytics: 

Taplio's Analytics feature empowers you to fine-tune your LinkedIn strategy by tracking key metrics like follower growth, engagement, and post performance.

Image Credits: slashdot

This comprehensive overview includes growth trends over various timeframes and highlights your top-performing posts, which can be easily replicated using Taplio's AI.

The detailed breakdown of individual post performance allows you to identify the content that truly resonates with your audience, enabling data-driven decision-making for future posts.

Search Mode: 

Taplio's Search Mode helps you discover viral posts within specific niches. However, keep in mind that LinkedIn's algorithm is constantly evolving, so yesterday's viral post might not be today's hot topic.

While directly replicating viral content might not be the most authentic approach, Search Mode can still serve as a valuable source of inspiration.

Analyzing successful posts can spark new ideas, reveal emerging trends, and shed light on what resonates with your audience.

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

Industry News: 

If brainstorming fresh post ideas feels like an uphill battle, Taplio's Industry News feature is a game-changer. It delivers a curated feed of relevant headlines and news snippets directly to your dashboard, saving you the hassle of scouring the internet for inspiration.

This real-time pulse on industry trends allows you to craft timely, engaging posts that showcase your expertise. You can share your unique perspective on the latest developments, positioning yourself as a thought leader who stays ahead of the curve.

In the ever-changing landscape of LinkedIn, staying current is essential. Taplio's Industry News feature ensures you're always armed with the knowledge you need to create content that resonates with your audience.

Contacts & Outreach:

Contact Management: 

Taplio's Contact feature offers the convenience of building targeted contact lists by importing leads from various sources, including Sales Navigator and individual posts. The AI-powered icebreaker generator is a helpful tool for crafting personalized outreach messages.

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

However, its email-finding capabilities are limited, and the lack of contact tagging or segmentation features makes it less ideal for managing existing relationships and nurturing long-term connections.

DM Outreach: 

SenTaplio's DM Outreach feature enables you to send up to 100 personalized messages at once to your Taplio contacts. This can be a handy way to initiate conversations and share content with a wider audience.

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

However, it's worth noting that this feature is primarily designed for initial outreach, not for nurturing existing relationships. The lack of integration with your LinkedIn inbox and the inability to segment contacts for more targeted messaging can limit its effectiveness for personalized follow-ups.


Interact with other Taplio users' posts to foster community and increase visibility (may not be ideal for targeted engagement).

Image Credits: My Taplio Account

Taplio X Chrome Extension: 

Access real-time LinkedIn analytics, track trends, and discover top-performing content right from your browser.

Image Credits: My Taplio Account


Image Credits: Taplio

While Taplio's Starter plan is tempting as a budget-friendly option, the Standard plan's AI-powered content creation and optimization tools seem like a worthwhile investment for those serious about boosting their LinkedIn presence.

Priced at $52/month (billed annually) with a 30-day money-back guarantee, it's a reasonable investment to test out Taplio's advanced features. For now, the Pro plan might be overkill for most users, but it's a nice option for power users or those looking to scale their LinkedIn efforts significantly.

Even if you're unsure about a long-term commitment, I recommend trying the Standard plan. The AI capabilities alone are worth exploring, and if it streamlines your content creation and improves your engagement, it's likely a worthwhile investment.


Taplio offers a range of benefits that streamline and optimize your LinkedIn experience:

  1. Effortless Content Creation: AI-generated post ideas and drafts save you valuable time and effort.

  2. Automated Scheduling: Plan and schedule posts in advance for consistent content delivery.

  3. Data-Driven Optimization: Analyze post performance to identify what works best and refine your strategy.

  4. Viral Content Discovery: Uncover trending content to stay ahead of the curve and spark new ideas.

  5. Audience Growth Tools: Engage with others and expand your reach through targeted outreach and interactions.

  6. User-Friendly Interface: Consolidated tools and intuitive design make it easy to navigate and maximize your LinkedIn impact.


My 7-day trial with Taplio was a mixed bag. While the platform offers some valuable features, a few frustrating aspects ultimately led me to cancel my subscription early.

Room for Improvement:

  • Usability: The learning curve was steeper than expected. It took some time to familiarize myself with the various features and understand how to optimize them for my needs.

  • AI-Generated Content: While the AI-generated posts were decent, they often lacked the nuanced perspective and specific industry knowledge I was looking for; felt robotic most of the time.

  • Search Capability: I've never been a big fan of LinkedIn's search functionality, so my expectations for Taplio's search capabilities weren't particularly high. Unfortunately, Taplio didn't exceed those expectations. The search results I got often didn't seem to match the keywords I entered in Taplio's search mode.

  • Content Formatting: A major frustration was the automatic creation of an image containing my post text, which led to redundant content on LinkedIn and made editing difficult.

  • Pricing: While Taplio does save time compared to my previous process of using ChatGPT, Gemini, and Perplexity, the quality of AI-generated content doesn't justify the price difference. If I still need to heavily refine the output, I'm essentially paying a premium for prompt engineering capabilities I could achieve with more affordable custom GPT models.

  • LinkedIn's algorithm actively discourages automation, and posts scheduled through the platform often underperform. After a few uses of Taplio's Chrome extension, I received a warning from LinkedIn threatening a potential ban. This is a significant concern for users relying on automation tools.

What Worked Well:

Taplio truly shines as an all-in-one solution for managing your LinkedIn presence. Its AI-powered content generation and post drafting features are a game-changer, saving valuable time and sparking creativity. The platform's scheduling capabilities ensure consistent content delivery, while the performance analytics provide valuable insights for refining your strategy.

The viral content discovery and engagement tools are also noteworthy, helping you stay ahead of the curve and actively build your network. Overall, Taplio's intuitive interface makes it a great option for beginners and experienced LinkedIn users alike, particularly those focused on building a personal brand.

Overall Assessment:

While Taplio offers some promising features, the current user experience leaves room for improvement. The AI could benefit from further refinement to produce more tailored content, and the interface could be streamlined for greater ease of use. If these issues are addressed, Taplio has the potential to be a valuable tool for LinkedIn users.

You can start your 7-day free trial on Taplio and experience the product for yourself. As always, I would love to hear your thoughts on the product. Let me know in the comments below or simply reply to the email.


Here are some Taplio alternatives you can try:

  1. ChatGPT For Linkedin

  2. AuthoredUp

  3. Hushl

Alternatively, you can also do the following steps:

  1. ChatGPT for content calendar creation

  2. Perplexity for ideating

  3. Gemini for first drafts

  4. You can also build custom GPTs on OpenAI for content matching your tone, voice, structure

Things to keep in mind for LinkedIn [Collected from various LinkedIn influencers and based on my personal experience]:

  • Link always in the comments [link in the post copy usually gets sent to the first-degree connection, if there are more reactions it gets to 2nd/3rd-degree connections]

  • Posts with pictures work the best

  • Relevant hashtags — not more than 4/5 [if the post is about productivity, then add hashtags like entrepreneurship makes your post spammy — LinkedIn will not boost that]

  • The post copy should have a TL;DR of the article

  • ⁠If most of your connections are Indians or based in a specific geography — posts get shown to only people from that geography [in case of 2nd/3rd connections]

  • Never schedule your posts

  • ⁠Don’t try to be funny, be informative

  • Spend more time commenting than posting

  • ⁠Connect with 5x ICP per day

  • It’s not about you, it’s about them

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