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Global IndiaAI Summit 2024 🌏️ - Key Highlights 🔍️

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We are kick-starting our week with an update on the long-awaited, most discussed Global IndiaAI Summit, which concluded on July 4th in New Delhi.

In today’s newsletter, we will cover the key highlights of the sessions and their relevance in today’s day and age.

Image Credit: IndiaAI

IndiaAI Summit 2024: Key Highlights

  • Global Participation: 12,000+ AI experts and practitioners from 50 countries convened for the two-day summit.

  • Democratizing AI: The Indian government unveiled a major initiative to make AI accessible to all, showcasing its leadership in global AI innovation.

  • Bridging the Divide: India is actively closing the gap between the Global North and South on AI issues, amplifying the voice of developing nations.

  • New Partnership: A landmark AI partnership was forged between the OECD and GPAI, solidifying India's role in shaping AI policy.

  • Startup Showcase: The summit featured 16 deep-tech startups demonstrating cutting-edge AI applications and products.

IndiaAI Summit 2024: Setting the Stage

The Global IndiaAI Summit, held in New Delhi on July 3-4, 2024, served as a premier platform for accelerating India's progress in AI. The summit's agenda aligned with the 7 pillars of the IndiaAI Mission—Compute Capacity, Foundational Models, Datasets, Application Development, Future Skills, Startup Financing, and Safe AI—an ambitious initiative launched by the Indian government with a $1.25 Bn investment.

Furthermore, the summit highlighted India's leadership role as the 2024 chair of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI). GPAI, a coalition of 29 member countries, strives to bridge the gap between AI theory and practice. In this capacity, India spearheaded discussions among international AI experts to address critical challenges and promote responsible AI development on a global scale.

Image Credits: PIB

Big Words, Big World: LLMs & India's Linguistic Tango

Image Credits: IndiaAI

This session focussed on large language models (LLMs) and large multimodal models (LMMs), addressing India's unique linguistic and cultural diversity. It explored multilingual challenges, ethical concerns, and biases while promoting responsible AI and collaboration among various stakeholders.

Why is it relevant?
LLMs like ChatGPT are powerful but often struggle with diverse languages. India taking the lead in making AI more inclusive and representative is a crucial step in the global AI race.

India's AI ambitions demand LLMs trained on a massive scale – a trillion tokens worth of data – to capture the nuances of its diverse languages. Experts at the IndiaAI Summit stressed the importance of:

  • Multi-Model Approach: Combining different AI models to tackle the complexity of Indian languages.

  • Actionable AI: Moving beyond chatbots to AI that can perform tasks and solve real-world problems.

  • Synthetic Data: Generating additional data to supplement existing resources and improve model performance.

  • Miniaturization: Making AI models smaller and more efficient for wider accessibility.

India's AI Puzzle: More GPUs or More Patience?

Image Credits: IndiaAI

This panel discussion at the Global India AI summit focused on India's AI infrastructure readiness — development of scalable AI compute infrastructure, skilled workforce, and strategies to make advanced AI computing services affordable for startups and researchers.

Why is it relevant?
AI is becoming increasingly prevalent, and India needs to develop its own AI infrastructure to stay competitive and ensure data sovereignty. The discussion highlights the importance of investing in GPUs, creating use cases, and building indigenous AI models to drive innovation and economic growth.

  • GPU Demand: India's AI ambitions will require continuous investment in next-generation computing technology to meet the growing demand for processing power.

  • Quantity vs. Quality: While 10,000 GPUs may be enough to start an AI ecosystem, experts believe that a much larger number will be needed to truly drive innovation and meet the needs of a growing country.

  • Affordability and Access: Making advanced AI computing affordable for startups and researchers is crucial for fostering a thriving AI ecosystem in India.

  • Sovereignty and Infrastructure: Achieving AI sovereignty involves not only building AI models in India but also ensuring the traceability of components, developing indigenous foundational models, and establishing robust systems to host and manage data locally.

Data: India's Secret Sauce for AI Flavor?

Image Credits: PIB

This session was about the development of a resilient and scalable data infrastructure in India, focusing on robust data governance frameworks, data sharing, and mitigating data bias to ensure ethical AI systems. The government plans to invest in public platforms offering access to computer power and high-quality data sets.

Why is it relevant?
Data is becoming increasingly valuable, and India needs to develop a robust data infrastructure to stay competitive and ensure data sovereignty. The emphasis on data governance, sharing, and bias mitigation is crucial for ethical AI systems, and the government's investment in public platforms will accelerate innovation in various sectors, making it easier for everyone from farmers to doctors to develop AI solutions that benefit the entire country.

  • Data Quality and Standardization: A major focus of the India AI Summit was the need for improved data quality and standardized formats to effectively utilize data for AI applications.

  • Data Accessibility and Discoverability: The summit stressed the importance of making datasets easier to find and access for researchers and innovators to foster a robust data ecosystem.

  • Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between the public and private sectors is essential for driving innovation, funding, and developing scalable solutions within the data ecosystem.

  • Unified Data Exchange: Creating a unified platform for data exchange was highlighted as a key initiative to enhance data accessibility, standardization, and collaboration among stakeholders.

AI-llionaire's Club: Boosting India's Startup Scene

Image Credits: PIB

The session was about the IndiaAI mission, which aims to strengthen India's startup ecosystem by supporting AI startups to innovate and expand. The mission has an outlay of â‚ą10,372 crore, with â‚ą2,000 crore dedicated to supporting startups to develop indigenous AI-based solutions, including access to GPU infrastructure at subsidized rates.

Why is it relevant?
AI is becoming increasingly important for startups to drive growth. India has a competitive advantage in AI due to its skills, market, and demand.

The IndiaAI mission can lower the cost of innovation and indigenous development, making it a key catalyst for entrepreneurs. With 70% of Indian startups prioritizing AI, India must lead the AI revolution, not just participate.

  • Government's Commitment: The Indian government has allocated â‚ą10,372 crores for the IndiaAI mission, with â‚ą5,000 crores dedicated to providing over 10,000 GPUs for compute capacity, encouraging private sector participation.

  • Research and Talent: Emphasis on investing in the research ecosystem and nurturing local talent to develop cutting-edge AI solutions. Encouraging AI researchers to return to India and harness the country's large STEM graduate pool.

  • State-Level Initiatives: The Government of Telangana actively supports AI startups, having deployed over 52 AI use cases and offering direct procurement opportunities to homegrown startups.

  • Challenges and Opportunities: Focus on addressing challenges like localizing Indian use cases and improving the reasoning capabilities of Indic language models. Encouraging startups to integrate AI as a tool to solve problems rather than focusing solely on AI itself.

  • Financing Challenges: India needs more risk-tolerant capital to support early-stage AI ventures. Building a supportive ecosystem with access to infrastructure, data, and skills is crucial. Collaboration and learning from global best practices will be key to propelling Indian startups to global leadership in AI innovation.

AI-nnovating India: Real Solutions, Real Impact

Image Credits: IndiaAI

The India AI Summit showcased real-world AI solutions tackling challenges in healthcare, agriculture, and education. The India AI Mission aims to develop and scale these impactful solutions, using AI to improve lives and drive socioeconomic transformation.

Why is it relevant?
AI is becoming increasingly important for driving socio-economic transformation. The session's focus on practical AI applications and responsible AI practices underscores the need for AI to be developed and deployed in a way that addresses real-world problems and benefits society. India's efforts to leverage AI for social and economic benefits align with its vision to become a leader in AI development and deployment.

  • Healthcare: Wadhwani AI is using AI to improve tuberculosis diagnosis and care in underserved communities, while ARMAAN's mMitra program focuses on maternal and child health through preventive care.

  • Education: Rocket Learning leverages AI to address learning gaps in underserved preschool and primary children across India.

  • Key Considerations: The session highlighted the importance of collaboration between stakeholders, democratization of AI capabilities, and addressing privacy concerns to ensure inclusive and responsible AI development.

  • Scalability and Accessibility: To effectively scale AI deployment, seamless computing across hybrid environments and addressing data privacy and regulatory requirements are crucial.

Other Key Sessions Summaries

Image Credits: PIB

  • Global Health and AI: The session gathered insights on the use of AI in healthcare, particularly focusing on the unique challenges faced by global south countries.

  • Ensuring Safety, Trust, and Governance in the AI Age: The session highlighted India's commitment to ethical AI development and international collaboration for safe and trustworthy AI systems.

  • Collaborative AI on Global Partnership (CAIGP): The convening addressed the global AI divide and explored ways to democratize AI resources, while defining the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in achieving CAIGP's goals.

  • Empowering Talent through AI Education & Skilling: The session focused on addressing the growing demand for AI skills in the industry, showcasing success stories and diverse career paths in AI.

  • AI for Global Good: Empowering the Global South: The session provided a platform for the Global South to discuss their specific challenges and priorities in AI development, and explored the possibility of creating a new multilateral organization to address their collective needs.

  • AI Competency Framework for Public Sector: The session examined the AI readiness of India's public sector, identifying the specific AI competencies required for public officials and offering guidelines for future training programs.

  • Sustainable Agriculture: The session built upon previous discussions on AI in agriculture, exploring how AI can be used to enhance crop advisory services, market access for farmers, financial services, and climate-resilient agriculture.


The Global IndiaAI Summit 2024 has wrapped up, leaving behind a trail of insights and collaborations that reaffirm India's growing influence in the AI landscape. The event's focus on real-world solutions, ethical development, and collaborative partnerships paints a promising picture for the future of AI, not just in India but globally.

From healthcare and agriculture to education and governance, the summit showcased AI's potential to transform industries and improve lives. The discussions around responsible AI development and the need for diverse perspectives were particularly noteworthy, as they signal a global commitment to ensuring that AI benefits all of humanity.

As the dust settles on the summit, we at Nanobits are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. We will continue to monitor the evolving AI landscape, bringing you the latest insights and analysis on how this transformative technology is shaping our world.

Before we go, we leave you with a few questions that came to our mind while we attended all the sessions:

  1. Is the planned allocation of 10,000 GPUs sufficient to meet the anticipated demand for AI compute infrastructure in India, and what criteria will the government use to select GPU providers?

  2. What level of private investment is expected in the Indian AI startup ecosystem, and will a portion of the unused INR 16,000 crore dry capital be directed towards deep tech and AI startups specifically?

  3. How does the government reconcile its focus on AI innovation in agriculture with concerns about the return on investment in high-tech agri-equipment due to low labor costs in India?

  4. What strategies can be implemented to address the issue of brain drain, which is identified as a significant barrier to AI innovation in India, and attract top AI talent back to the country?

  5. Are AI solutions reaching and benefiting underserved populations in remote areas of India? What is the quality of these solutions, and how can they be scaled effectively given challenges for underpaid frontline workers like Asha workers?

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